Friday, January 24, 2020

Evil Reaps Darkness in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay examples -- Macbeth

Evil Reaps Darkness in Macbeth       "By their deeds you shall know them" is a Biblical passage which seems to state a lesson reiterated in Shakespeare's Macbeth. We intend to examine closely the dark future which the Macbeths deserved because of their sinful conduct.    A.C. Bradley in Shakespearean Tragedy comments on the darkness within the play:    The vision of the dagger, the murder of Duncan, the murder of Banquo, the sleep-walking of Lady Macbeth, all come in night scenes. The Witches dance in the thick air of a storm or, 'black and midnight hags', receive Macbeth in a cavern. The blackness of night is to the hero a thing of fear, even of horror; and that which he feels becomes the spirit of the play. The faint glimmerings of the western sky at twilight are here menacing: it is the hour when the traveller hastens to reach safety in his inn, and when Banquo rides homeward t meet his assassins; the hour when 'light thickens', when 'night's black agents to their prey do rouse', when the wolf begins to howl, and the owl to scream, and withered murder steals forth to his work. (307)    In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson identifies the darkness in the play with evil, hell, devils:    Mr. Kenneth Muir, in his introduction to the play - which does not, by the way, interpret it simply from this point of view - aptly describes the cumulative effect of the imagery: "The contrast between light and darkness [suggested by the imagery] is part of a general antithesis between good and evil, devils and angels, evil and grace, hell and heaven . . . (67-68)    In "Macbeth as the Imitation of an Action" Francis Fergusson states the place of darkness in the action of the pla... ...are: The Tragedies. A Collectiion of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.    Knights, L.C. "Macbeth." Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collectiion of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.    Lamb, Charles. On the Tragedies of Shakespeare. N.p.: n.p.. 1811. Rpt in Shakespearean Tragedy. Bratchell, D. F. New York, NY: Routledge, 1990.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth., no lin.    Warren, Roger. Shakespeare Survey 30.   N.p.: n.p., 1977. Pp. 177-78. Rpt. in Shakespeare in the Theatre: An Anthology of Criticism. Stanley Wells, ed. England: Oxford University Press, 2000.    Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Corruption Free Pakistan Dream Or a Reality

Corruption simply means dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those who are in power. As Lord Acton said: â€Å"Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. † Corruption is the absence of honesty and virtue. Corruption is the evil which leads to the economic, social and moral problems in a country. The society void of law and order is a corrupt society. It is as old as man. It is a world-wide phenomenon. It is probably found in all the countries of the world. Corruption creates a deplorable situation in the country. Karl Kraus truly said:â€Å"Corruption is worse than prostitution, the latter might endanger the morals of an individual; the former invariably endangers the morals of the entire country. † When we come to know about corruption level in Pakistan, then we are forced to say that Pakistan is in a terrible situation these days because there is too much corruption in Pakistan. Every department is corrupt and not performing their duty honestly. The fun ds and money that should be spend to provide facilities to the people of Pakistan, they are gone in corruption. The development projects are incomplete due to corruption.We are lagging behind other nations of the world due to corruption in our country. Corruption is caused either by power or by absolute power. Frank Herbert clarifies it in this way: â€Å"Power attracts the corruptible. Absolute power attracts the absolutely corruptible†. There are various forms of corruption in Pakistan. It is found in the form of cheating, fraud, swindling, nepotism, jobbery and misappropriation of funds, bribery and acceptance of gratification. The corrupt people do not abide by the laws. They ignore morality and good manners. They cause many evils in the society.It is a flea that sucks the blood of the people of Pakistan. It defames and degrades the nation in the eyes of other nations of the world. When a sensible citizen of Pakistan ponders upon present condition of corruption in the cou ntry, he is curious to know about its root causes and its remedies. Corruption has been a menace for our country since the birth of this nation. There are many causes of the prevalence of corruption. Firstly, the wish to grow rich overnight is its root cause. Such people ignore moral values and try to feather their nest. Mostly the politicians are involved in this case.They always look to the rich and do not bother to look to the poor. Henry Kissinger explains it with authentic arguments: â€Å"Corrupt politicians make the other ten percent look bad. † The modern civilization has urged man to adopt a high standard of living. People want to live in bungalows and board costly cars. In order to lead a luxurious life, they use many fair or foul means to grab wealth. In this way, they cause corruption. Secondly, the prices of the commodities of life are rising daily. The government has no control over anything in society.In order to meet their needs, people resort to corruption an d cause different crimes in society. Thirdly, a few privileged hands in our country are very strong. No government has the power to enforce any policy after its own will rather it has to become a puppet in the hands of the industrialists and capitalists. All the people in government have fear in their minds due to these people. John Steinbeck correctly explains this fear in this way: â€Å"Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦perhaps the fear of a loss of power. † These people raise the prices of their production as and when they like.If a government tries to teach them a lesson, it has to lick the dust. Fourthly, fixed income people also cause corruption. The prices of commodities of life rise daily but their salaries are not raised with that ratio. As a result, they begin to accept bribery in order to keep up their standard of living or to fulfill their needs. Fifthly, widespread unemployment in society also causes corruption. When the government imposes ban o n new recruitment, the educated young men are forced to satiate their hunger in any way. As a result, they cause corruption. They become emotional in this situation.Friedrich Nietzsche says about these youngsters: â€Å"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently. † Moreover, corrupt people thrive in society without any fear of punishment. They are very influential and are never brought to book. Seeing them, others are also encouraged. Sixthly, many evil customs and traditions prevail in our society. People spend lavishly on marriages and funerals only to avoid the taunts of the others. When they grow poor, they use unfair means to raise funds for their daily bread.Seventhly, modern age of fashion is also a great cause of prevalence of corruption. Now women spend more money on their upkeep than the past. They are not content with local made items of cosmetics. They always prefer to purcha se the imported costly items for beautification. For this purpose, they themselves accept bribery and also compel their husbands to do so. In this way, they cause corruption. Eighthly, many new leaders when come into power declare their determination to eradicate corruption but soon they themselves become corrupt and start amassing huge wealth.George Bernard Shaw presents his views about these people: â€Å"Power does not corrupt men; fools, however, if they get into a position of power, corrupt power. † Many people become materialistic and money oriented. There is no importance of ethics and morals in business dealings. Many people think that money coming to their pocket is good. Same way, many thinking that money going out from their pocket is bad. But they don’t consider the way money is travelling. But money speaks the truth. As said by Robert A Heinlein: â€Å"Money is truthful. If a man speaks of his honor, make him pay cash.†The most important cause of co rruption is ignorance. People have no sense to elect honest and educated representatives. As a result, these corrupt people begin to feather their nests instead of working for the welfare of the nation. Therefore, corruption prevails in society. The question that arises in the mind of every citizen of Pakistan is that when and how our Pakistan will become free from this monster which has its hold on the whole society? When the antidote for this cruel virus will be prepared? What is the surest way to get rid of corruption?Is it possible to contain corruption in our society? Corruption is a cancer which every Pakistani must strive to cure. Eradiation of corruption is, no doubt, a difficult task but not impossible. The following steps can uproot corruption from the society. Firstly, the government should try to spread education as early as possible. Secondly, it should launch an anti-corruption propaganda in the mass media. Thirdly, it should improve the economic condition of the count ry. Fourthly, corrupt people should be given exemplary punishments. Fifthly, the discretionary powers of the officers should be minimized.Sixthly, the anti-corruption department should be made more effective. Seventhly, equal distribution of wealth and leisure should be made effective. Eighthly, drive for simple living should be launched. Kurt Vonnegut presents his opposite views that corruption cannot stop or change the music and beauty of life: â€Å"No matter how corrupt, greedy, and heartless our government, our corporations, our media, and our religious & charitable institutions may become, the music will still be wonderful. † But majority has authority; we can neglect his views outright.Above conclusions enlighten and pave the way to understand and solve the major problem of corruption in our country. So, if we want to change this dream into reality, we should follow the good part of our heart. If we will start to believe in oneness of Allah, we will be able to play our role in its eradication. Then our dream of corruption free Pakistan will become a universal reality. Eduard Shevardnadze said that: â€Å"Corruption has its own motivations, and one has to thoroughly study that phenomenon and eliminate the foundations that allow corruption to exist. † God Bless Pakistan!

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Research On Attachment Theory On The Bonds Created Between...

Traditional research on Attachment Theory focuses on the bonds created between infants and their caregivers within the first few years of life. When tested, these children typically display an â€Å"organized† pattern of behavior when seeking comfort and safety from their caregiver. Organized attachments are those that follow a specific pattern of behavior and are clearly defined as secure, insecure—avoidant, or insecure—ambivalent. However, there remains a percentage of children who fail to engage in predictable behavior when seeking comfort. Essentially, these children behave indiscriminately towards their caregivers and strangers. With no set boundaries by which they seek and receive comfort, their behavior is classified as â€Å"disorganized.† New research in this field of study shows the importance in distinguishing the differences between â€Å"organized† and â€Å"disorganized† types rather than only observing the traditional typ es of attachment. While examining this new perspective in attachment theory, we speculate whether a lack of goal oriented behavior to seek comfort and safety will in turn lead to an increased risk in psychopathology in early childhood and adolescence. Theoretical Perspective Attachment theory originated in the early 1950s and has expanded greatly since this time, both in it’s scientific methodology as well as in its applicability to clinical social work. This theory is integral to clinicians observing psychopathology and utilizes a biopsychosocialShow MoreRelatedThe Theories And Principles Of Attachment Theory1621 Words   |  7 PagesExploration of Attachment Theory Fully describe the theory including the main concepts and principles Attachment theory is a concept that explores the importance of attachment in respect to direct development. â€Å"It is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space† (Bowlby, 1969; McLeod, 2009). It is the relationship that develops within the first year of the infant’s life between them and their caregiver. The theory also relates to the quality of theRead MoreStages Of Attachment Of The Infant s Attachment1211 Words   |  5 PagesStages of attachment. Another of Bowlby’s contributions is his proposal that the infant’s attachment to caregiver develops in stages attuned to the infant’s cognitive and emotional development. As described by Broderick Blewitt (2015), a bond emerges from the affect between mother and child in the first two months as the infant signals their needs by clinging, smiling, and crying. During this stage infants are not yet attached to anyone and do not discriminate between caregivers. Between theirRead MoreBowlby s Evolutionary Theory Of Attachment1497 Words   |  6 PagesBowlby defined attachment as â€Å"a lasting psychological integration bounded by human beings† (Bowlby, 1969, p.194). However, attachment can also be described as a strong, mutual, emotional connection or relationship formed between two people, mostly between infant and its caregiver. According to Macoby (1988) attachment has four key characteristics which are: proximity; where an infant always want to stay near the attached caregiver. Separation anxiety; is when the infant is distressed when separatedRead MoreRelationship Between Infant And Primary Caregiver Essay850 Words   |  4 PagesThe most significant bond of life is between the infant and primary caregiver. John Bowlby, the eminent authority, describes attachment as the natural connection between baby and mother (as cited in Alexander, 1992, p.186). Family dynamics have changed since Bowlby’s time, for this reason, the research analyzes the relationship of the infant and primary caregiver. Bowlby’s attachment theory infers that the path of these bonds lay the groundwork for future behavior, view of one’s self, and relationshipRead MoreThe Theory Of The Attachment Theory1742 Words   |  7 Pageschild s relationship with their caregiver. From determining a child s early attachment patterns, it can help further the child s behavior in later development, and the way the child will relate to others in her years to come. The acknowledgment of this simple fact has led many psychologists to create theories and findings to support this idea. Bowlby’s creation of the Attachment Theory sparked many famous psychologists to come up with ways to support his theory. Mary Ainsworth is known to be mostRead MoreRelationship Between Security Of Attachment And Cognitive Development1513 Words   |  7 PagesThe relationship between security of attachment and cognitive develop ment creates the underlying foundation from which individual’s operate throughout the lifespan (Carruth, 2006). The security of attachment between an infant and their primary caregiver can have profound consequences for the developing brain, impacting an infant’s future relationships, self-esteem, and ability to self-regulate emotions (Carruth, 2006). Attachment theory, first theorized by John Bowlby (1988), stresses the significanceRead MoreModifications of Bowlbys Attachment Theory Essay1724 Words   |  7 PagesModifications of Bowlbys Attachment Theory Bowlbys original theory of attachment was concerned with the bonding relationship that develops between an infant and his primary caregiver. He believed the process of bonding to have a biological basis as the genes of those infants who successfully sought the protection of a caregiver (from predators and other dangers) will have survived and been passed on. Bowlby also formulated the Maternal Deprivation hypothesis (1953)Read MoreRelationship Between Security Of Attachment And Cognitive Development1513 Words   |  7 PagesThe relationship between security of attachment and cognitive development creates the underlying foundation from which individual’s operate throughout the lifespan (Carruth, 2006). The security of attachment between an infant and their primary caregiver can have profound consequences for the developing brain, impacting an infant’s future relationships, self-esteem, and ability to self-regulate emotions (Carruth, 2006). Attachment theory, first theorized by John Bowlby (1988), stresses the significanceRead MoreProviding Loving Care And Security For Children1712 Words   |  7 Pagessecurity for children is considered an important aspect of development. Secure bonds are created through interaction with the child and build trust through close, loving relationship between the caregiver or caregivers involved the life of a child. Babies form emotional ties to those who provide them with a feeling of safety and are a constant in the child’s life, making themselves familiar to the infant. Since infants are nonverbal, it is important for the parent to be interactive with their childRead MoreThe Key Theories Of Attachment1646 Words   |  7 PagesJohn Bowlby, the backbone of attachment theories will be discussed throughout this essay to explain and evaluate the key theories of attachment. Health and well-being which is made up of four factors ‘physical, intellectual, emotional and social (Jones, 2016), will also be discussed within the essay. The definition of attachment is ‘an act of attaching or the state of being attached. (Dictionary, 1400) This will be showed in the assignment, using theorists to analyse the meaning. Sharing the